Tuesday, April 7, 2009


The design, construction and operation of buildings in the 21st century will be impacted not only by the state of the economy but also and more importantly by the health of the biosphere. Unlike the two other major consumers of energy, transportation and manufacturing, the building industry has only just begun to address reducing its contribution to the emerging global crisis. At federal, state and municipal levels in the United States green building initiatives are changing the way buildings are built and used. Executive branch governmental agencies, which oversee the development of the buildings occupied for public use, have begun to establish and adopt policies that require the building industry to address the global crisis we now face. Building Code regulations are being revised, which will create similar requirements in the private sector. What is emerging out these initiatives at the local level is the need for experienced leadership to effect meaningful responses to the urgent call for change in the way we build our buildings and communities.

William Grover, Architect (WGA) provides green design and design management consulting services to clients that own, occupy, and operate buildings in communities of the greater New England Area.

The principal William Grover, AIA, LEED AP has over 40 years of hands-on experience managing the design and construction of a wide variety of building types. WGA provides a unique commitment to why and how we must change the way we build and renovate our buildings. The services of WGA focus on providing leadership in the following areas of local building industry:

· Green architectural design and construction administration for individual building owners of residential and light commercial buildings.

· Green project management services to large institutional, commercial and multifamily residential developers needing oversight on building processes that will result in ecologically sustainable buildings through programs such as the US Green Building Council’s (USGBC) Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Certification program.

· Design and Development of Cohousing and Eco-village Communities, providing project management services for these communities from site selection through construction completion.

The mission of WGA is to promote universal practical green building approaches through an ecological awareness that revitalizes humanity’s sacred relationship with the living Earth.

There is a massive shift in human consciousness occurring within the modern world. In the design of a building or community the architect’s role is also shifting. The architect will be asked to serve in the role of facilitator of conversations with all stakeholders impacted by the design and placement of buildings for human habitation. The focus of this new role will be the health of our local communities and a “Main Street Economy” (as outlined in David Korten’s latest book titled “Agenda for a New Economy”) based on ecological sustainability and social justice through the physical form of our communities.

The emerging national and global economic recovery will be fueled by financial stimulus packages to local communities that can demonstrate a “Main Street Economy” focus through development of practices for buildings and infrastructure addressing human challenges of global warming, loss of habitat, and preservation of clean water sources. Green technology and green job training will be the backbone of the health of the local communities (see “The Green Collar Economy” by Van Jones).

The architectural profession emerges in this new paradigm as the one profession trained in addressing the sustainability of buildings that make up the physical presence of our communities. It is the architect that facilitates dialogue between highly technical engineering consultants and grass-root community groups with focused political agendas achieving consensus agreement for shared goals of the community and the users of the buildings we build. It is the architect who can convert the above training and technology into meaningful actions eliminating carbon dependant energy consumption, restoration of habitat and a reduction in potable water consumption will demonstrate sustainability is not just a goal of the environmental movement but also a possibility for a healthy economy. And it is the green architect, committed to the core values of the green building movement that will achieve the highest success not only for clients but also the communities.

Typical Services Offered by WGA:

· Architectural design and construction supervision services for residential owners and small commercial building owners located on the North Shore. Services include feasibility studies, establishing building program requirements and setting project development goals, architectural and construction design documentation, assistance in permitting and regulatory approvals, and contractor selection review and recommendation. Where appropriate WGA enters into contracts and manages the services of consultants needed to provide design engineering for these projects.

· Design management services to corporate, financial and institutional clients that have larger projects. Services include setting green goals for projects, review of program development, site selection, design team selection, budget analysis, design review, contractor selection, construction bidding process and construction supervision.

· Master planning and group organizational facilitation in planning for cohousing and eco-village developments throughout eastern seaboard and expanding west to New York and Pennsylvania. Services will include assistance in community program and mission statements; site selection; budget analysis; preliminary planning, including regulatory approval assistance, design documentation for marketing, and building public awareness within the greater communities.

With compelling evidence that we need to reinvent the way we build, operate and occupy our buildings and communities, WGA stands firm in providing its clients with new approaches to the built environment. By associating with a select group of consultants WGA will form teams of design, construction and environmental professionals to offer a comprehensive approach for the building needs of our clients. WGA will also offer educational programs that reveal the need for a new approach to how we design and operate the facilities we occupy. These services focus on why this shift is important to developing a new economic paradigm and a review of technological possibilities that will allow our communities to reinvent themselves. Our future lies in the spirit and energy of our local communities. Responsible design approaches are a form of covenant between human communities and other living communities, assuring the coevolution of both. The WGA approach makes this concept primary in the professional service we offer clients and communities.

WGA holds the following vision for the built environment now and for the future: Ecologically conscious construction is the norm for the built environment. Design concepts set the primary intention to restore and preserve healthy environments for all life. The built environment emerges from a commitment to honor the evolution of all species. This is our guiding vision.

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